Friday, August 6, 2010

Fantastic Flow!

Tonight's game had the best pace pace of any game we have covered this season.
Tonight's telecast had the best pace of any telecast we have aired this season.
Thank you Adam Wainwright.
Thank you Laz Diaz.
These two gentleman were the primary reason for tonight's 2:23 baseball game.
Wainwright worked fast and threw strikes.
Diaz, the home plate umpire, called the strike zone the way it should be called.
When the game is moving at a nice pace, the players make plays.
The pace of the game also determines the pace of the telecast.
When the telecast is moving at a nice pace, the whole crew contributes to the quality of the show. The camera operators make their shots and the replays are succinct.
The audio is sharper, the video is cleaner and the graphics are more poignant.
Despite the fact that we were in the back end of a dual feed, this was one of the best telecasts that we have produced this season.
During the game/telecast, I was thinking about how much this telecast felt like a home show. The comfort level of tonight's telecast was similar to the comfort level of our home telecasts.
A great show with a great flow!

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