Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Can't Bring Me Down

I have completed the final 3 of my 6 spring training telecasts for the 2017 season. The quality of the telecasts varied from show to show with the final game/telecast standing out as our best effort. There were 6 different crews for the 6 telecasts as well. The quality of the crews was actually quite good for spring training. However, when a member of the TV crew really doesn't give a damn about the show and, in fact, really doesn't want to be there, this attitude can bring the crew down. Capturing live TV sports for television is really really great fun. If anyone in this business cannot or will not have fun during a game/telecast try another profession. By the way, a "don't give a damn" attitude cannot and will not and WON'T bring me down. I love this business too much for that!!


  1. Hi,
    I started up my new blog about the games.
    Give a look,It’s not comercial :)

  2. thank you so much for this good informations !
